Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Classroom Instructions

    • Classroom Walkthrough (more instructions)

    • Welcome Letter!

    • Transformation 20 Emergency Weight Loss Meal Plan

    • Detox Calendar May 24

    • Welcome Session | Dr. Fuhrman

  2. 2
    • Take action here

    • How to get the most out of this program

    • Explore the Benefits of Membership

  3. 3
    • Ask your questions for the Q&A sessions here!

  4. 4
    • Nutritional Science Begets the Best Results | Dr. Fuhrman

    • Frequently Asked Questions

    • Exercise Video - warm up

    • Live Lesson with Dr. Fuhrman 1

    • Queso Dip | Recipe Demo

    • Mushroom Bolognese | Recipe Demo

    • Building Healthy Habits with Jenna Fuhrman

    • Randi Live Lecture 1 Strategize for Success + Q&A

    • Salad Dressing with Jenna Fuhrman

    • Soup Demo with Jenna Fuhrman

    • Tiramisu with Jenna Fuhrman

    • Exercise - 1

    • Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

    • Shepherd's Pie with Jenna Fuhrman

    • Understanding Food Addiction with Dr. Fuhrman

    • Combat Food Addiction with Randi

    • Live session 2 with Dr. Fuhrman

    • End Emotional Eating with Randi

    • Finding Joy with Randi

    • Daring To Be Different with Randi

    • Understanding Hunger

    • Exercise - 2

    • Prevent and Reverse Disease with Dr. Fuhrman

    • Exercise - 3

    • Nutritarian Lifestyle with Lisa Fuhrman

    • Slow Aging and Beat Cancer with Dr. Fuhrman

    • Group Coaching Follow Up with Randi & Lisa

  5. 5
    • Your Favorite Recipes

    • Choosing a Safe Multivitamin

    • Ten Best and Worst Foods for Longevity

    • Workout Worksheet

    • Making the Perfect Smoothie

    • Fuhrman Formula For Soup

    • Salad is the Main Dish

  6. 6
    • Please answer these questions so we can make an even better program!